Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reflective Synopsis - E-Learning

In this Blog posting I will discuss E-Learning, what is E-Learning.
Secondly I will give an overview of how E-Learning enhances learning based on knowledge of learning theory.
Thirdly I will provide a discussion of my teaching context.
Lastly I will analyse four tools, Wiki’s, Images, Videos and PowerPoint, discussing their features, positives, negatives and value in my teaching context. During the discussion I will refer to previous blog postings on these topics and blog comments.

E-learning is all forms of electronically supported teaching and learning, its processes and applications include Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classroom opportunities and digital collaboration.     
E-Learning is supported with Information Communications Technology (ICT) and is only beneficial when appropriate learning approaches are taken and serve as specific media to implement the learning process.
ICT’s are any digital device such as, computers, internet, cameras, iPods etc.
E-learning has evolved since computers were first used in education, the type of computers have changed over the years from slow devices to laptops and handheld portable devices.
There is now a trend to move towards blended learning services, where computer-based activities are integrated with practical or classroom-based situations.
Students can use these technologies to access, integrate, manage and evaluate information. ICT supports planning solutions, organizing ideas, thinking, visualizing the invisible, modelling and to develop new understandings. Common ICT’s used to enhance and engage learning in the classroom are, blogs, wiki’s, video, images, power point, podcasts.
Researchers have developed a number of E-Learning frameworks for example, the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) framework, learning engagement theory, although most educators decide to use their own frameworks for ICT design.
Lastly E-Learning is an important tool for teaching because it caters for different learners, different learning styles. For more information on learning styles please see a previous post: Week 1 – Learning Styles.

A learning theory describes how people learn, helping us understand the process of learning. There are four learning theories these are: Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism and connectivism. Behaviorism focuses on the objectively observable aspects of learning and that learning is the acquisition of new behavior through conditioning. Characteristics of behaviorism are that learning is manifested by a change in behavior and that the environment shapes behavior. Cognitive theories focus on brain-based learning and look beyond behavior, it considers how memory works to promote learning. Constructivism see’s learning as a process where the learner actively builds new ideas or concepts based on current and past knowledge or experience. Also known as social constructivism, this is when individuals engage socially and collaboratively about tasks or shared problems. Connectivism is used in computer science and is based on the aspect that knowledge exists in the world. Connectivism has been named the learning theory for the digital age because it explains the effect that technology has on how people live, learn and communicate. For more information on Learning Theories please see a previous post: Week1 Learning Theories.

My current teaching context is an Early Childhood setting, I work in a long day care centre as a Group Leader in the baby’s room 0-2 year olds. Programming for my context is quite different to a preschool room, it is focused on development of skills such as, language, fine motor and gross motor, cognitive, social and emotional. This year the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) a national curriculum was introduced, I have begun to include and implement the framework throughout the programme. Each week I develop a program liked to the EYLF outcomes, children’s interests, development and individual observations.
The first tool I am going to discuss is Wikis. The definition of a wiki is; a website that allows guests and users to create any number of interlinked web pages, the user can modify, edit, remove and add information with various editing tools using WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editor. Wikis are powered by wiki software and are used as in collaborative learning or as a communication tool. Wikis may exist to serve a specific purpose such as the collaborative encyclopaedia, Wikipedia.
A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages can be created, updated and edited. Most also keep a record of changes made to the pages meaning the author can revert to an older version of the pager. To participate in a wiki page or discussion you do not need to be a member they are open to alteration by the public, open purpose wikis accept content from all users. But private wikis require users to login in to edit pages and at times even to read them.  
Critics of publicly editable wikis argue that they can be easily tampered with and vandalism can be a major problem. Another big problem is Malware; this is where users add links to sites hosting malicious codes. Wikis lack security and content control allowing users to post offensive content. Once the material is recognised it may be removed but it can sometimes go unnoticed for a period of time. I have further discussed the pros and cons in a previous post titled Wikis, please take a look.
I learn via distance education, I do not have much contact with peers, wikis provide us with a social network and collaboration tool to share ideas, work together and communicate.
In my current teaching context Wikis would not be a useful tool as the children I teach are too young to read or even use a computer, but after researching I have discovered many ways wikis will be a valuable teaching tool in future contexts.

Second tool is Microsoft PowerPoint, PowerPoint is seen as the industry standard for delivering interactive multimedia presentations. PowerPoint is a wonderful tool for learning, it can add a new dimension to learning and accommodate all learning styles. If used properly it can be one of the most powerful tools in the classroom and provides an effective approach to both student work and classroom instruction.
In the previous blog post for this topic titled: PowerPoint in the classroom, I have discussed PowerPoint in depth and identified its importance and how it can be used effectively in a teaching context. Please note also the blog comments for this post.
Not only can educators create and present slide shows but the students can use the tool to create and present their own presentations.
PowerPoint’s features allow the user to include, videos, images, animations, text and audio, this allows us to share recent information and media, which can engage and increase student involvement and interaction.
This tool may be more useful in my teaching context as it allows the younger children to look and listen, if the appropriate content is used this can be an effective learning tool.

The third tool is Digital Images, which I found very interesting and discussed in detail with examples of photographs and how they may be used in the classroom in the post: Resizing Images – Mobaphoto. Please also refer to the comment list.
Images come in all shapes and forms and may be used in the classroom for unlimited reasons, such as, to illustrate and show examples of what you are discussing during a lesson when you can’t visit or see the real thing, to lead into follow up activities, to stimulate writing activities etc. In my context images could be used to inspire discussion, to enforce, develop and extend language, to recognise and identify objects, encourage critical thinking and enhance visual communication. Brain research identifies the first three years of life to be crucial for a child’s learning and that children’s brains at this young age are more active then the brain of an adult. As an educator we control the content of the image and decide when and where it should be used and if it is appropriate for use in the classroom. Images can be found online, Google images is very easy to use and allows the user to search for specific images and save them onto the computer or you can use photographs taken with your own camera, whatever you choose the opportunities of use with images is endless and can be effective as with any other tool when used appropriately.

Lastly, digital video which is commonly used in classroom presentations. There is substantial research that promotes the use of video in the classroom as a resource for supporting learning. According to a recent teacher survey 94% of educators have effectively used video in the classroom this year and frequently.
As reviewed in the post: Digital Video, I discussed how video engages and energizes students through sight and sound.
The ability to stop, start and rewind videos enables the educator to challenge the students, elaborate and debate on what they may have seen or envision teaching with the past such as great historians.
In my teaching context I would use educational videos or television shows targeted at early childhood for example; play school or the wiggles.
In a context with school children there are programs available that allow students to create their own movie such as Microsoft Moviemaker, which can be used for student presentations and to encourage students to use different forms of multimedia, also developing technological skills making students more confident in technology and providing future skills.

As some of the tools suggested show collaborative learning, please refer to the following links to comments shared between peers on blogs as an example of how collaborative learning can be accomplished:

Overall technology is evolving each day, new tools, new devices and new products are made readily available and should be used in the classroom to enhance, engage and develop learning.

(Please refer to a seperate post including the referece list for this synopsis)

Reference List - Reflective Synopsis

Wikipedia. (2010). E-Learning. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from
Wikipedia. (2010). Learning Theory. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from

Wikipedia. (2010). Connectivism. Retrieved December 16, 2010, from

Wikipedia. (2010). Wiki. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from
Teachers First. 2010). Wiki Walk Through. Retrieved November 19, 2010, from

JISC Digital Media. (2010). Practical ways to use digital images in teaching and learning. Retrieved November 28, 2010, from

Visible Thinking. (n.d.). See, Think, Wonder. Retrieved December 2, 2010, from

Wikipedia. (2010). PowerPoint. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from

teAchnology.(2010). What’s all the hype?. Retrieved November 18, 2010, from

WikiAnswers. (2010). What are the uses and features of Microsoft PowerPoint. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from

Wikipedia. (2010). Digital Video. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from

Library Video Company. (2010). Using Video in the Classroom. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from        

Slide Share. (2010). Using Video in the Classroom. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from

Central Queensland University (CQU). (2010). FAHE11001 – Study Guide. Rockhampton. QLD, Australia: Author.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Digital Video

As educators it is our goal to engage and energize students, this can be achieved through hands-on learning, specifically digital video. Video is an instructional medium that generates excitement.

Digital video is made up of a series of orthogonal bitmap digital images, these images are displayed in rapid succession at a constant rate, and these images are called frames. Video is created most commonly with digital video recorders and cameras, but there are some great tools available on your computer that allow the user to create their own video, these programs are Windows MovieMaker and iMovie.

Video is a learning tool and in schools it has a range of uses such as, communication, reflection, presentations, observation and analysis. Auditory and visual learners particularly benefit from the use of digital video. Video also taps into emotions which in return stimulates and enthralls students providing effective means for educators to address content. Video allows teachers to not only tell students what they need to learn from a lesson but illustrates examples to help develop understanding. It can be used is a variety of ways to enhance any lesson or subject.

YouTube is a popular and common website where videos are shared and users can upload and view them. There are millions of videos which contain just about anything you can think of. Depending on the topic content an educator can search for specific videos for use in the classroom. A useful website for teachers is TeacherTube which shares professional and educational videos.  


Wikipedia. (2010). Digital Video. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from

Library Video Company. (2010). Using Video in the Classroom. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from

Slide Share. (2010). Using Video in the Classroom. Retrieved December 15, 2010, from
Central Queensland University (CQU). (2010). FAHE11001 – Digital Video: Study Guide. Rockhampton. QLD, Australia: Author.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A podcast is an audio file, usually a serious of digital media files. Podcasts can be released by episode for example, A very popular radio show program by Hamish and Andy is recorded and added as a podcast online, the user can access and download the content through iTunes and store the podcasts on their computer to listen to at any time. A handy tool for podcasting is the listener can also subscribe to a podcast, through iTunes and each new episode that is uploaded will automatically download to the listener's computer, iPod or MP3 player ready for use, this saving time and giving convenience to the listener.

There are an increasing number of educational podcasts available  online that are suitable for students, educators can find these on iTunes, use google to research podcasts and topic, ABC or CSIRO. There are many different podcasts available on iTunes, iTunes is free to download, easy to install and ready to use on your PC.

Podcasts are available ready-made online but it is very easy to create your own podcasts, creating a podcast allows students to share learning experiencesA website available that allows the user to create their very own podcasts for free is Creating your own podcast is easy, record your content, publish the episode and it's ready to air.
Podcasts in the classroom can be created from material by students and teachers or existing audio files can be downloaded for classroom use. It provides students with a world-wide audience making learning meaningful and authentic.

As a teacher in the classroom you could use podcasts to provide revision or additional material for students to download and review in their own time.


Central Queensland University (CQU). (2010). FAHE11001 – Podcasts: Study Guide. Rockhampton. QLD, Australia: Author.

Wikipedia. (2010). Podcasts. Retrieved December 14,2010, from

The Department of Education. (2010). Podcasts in the classroom. Retrieved December 14, 2010, from

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Images - In the Classroom

This blog continues on and relates to the previous post Resizing Images – Mobaphoto. I wanted to discuss a little more and provide more examples as I find images and usefulness very interesting and my mind keeps coming up with more and more ideas.
Teachers can use images for multiple purposes of teaching, a map of Australia to learn about geography or a picture of Indigenous Australians to teach diversity and multiculturalism. Images used in the classroom can encourage children to think about what they are seeing, to analyse and evaluate and discuss the image, it also encourages students to use their imaginative and creative skills.
I believe images are amazing, each person can look at the same image and see different things, it may a story, bring back a memory, a smell, a place but whatever the case it makes you think.
A website I found very useful is Practical ways to use digital images in teaching and learning As discussed in the previous post.

An interesting website to explore is See, Think, Wonder.This website suggests a routine for exploring works of art and other interesting things such as, images. It encourages students ask themselves three questions:
What do you see?
What do you think about that?
What does it make you wonder?

While looking at the teachertube website  I found a very interesting photograph of a Leopard and a Mouse, I have attached below. I believe this image would trigger many thoughts in a student’s mind about what they are seeing. Used in the classroom I would begin a discussion about what the students see, what they think they can see or how they interpret the image, discuss the animals in the picture and what they think they might be doing. To further extend on this I would ask the students to write a creative story based on the image. In another direction students could begin research on leopards and present to the classroom as a group project. Teachers and students can both use their imaginations to create many ideas!

                                          Image Courtesy of:

                                                            It gets your mind going???

I have added this Image to a Wiki page to begin a discussion on what your personal thoughts are when you first see this image, please add your comments! Thanks.


Central Queensland University (CQU). (2010). FAHE11001 – Images: Study Guide. Rockhampton. QLD, Australia: Author.
JISC Digital Media. (2010). Practical ways to use digital images in teaching and learning. Retrieved November 28, 2010, from
Visible Thinking. (n.d.). See, Think, Wonder. Retrieved December 2, 2010, from

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Resizing Images - Mobaphoto

Educators can use images in the classroom as another form of learning material. The purpose of using a picture, photograph etc is to engage thinking, analysing, evaluating and understanding with the students.

Images allow students to see the real thing, it can illustrate concepts and show examples of what you are discussing, images inspire discussions on the topic developing language, and can encourage students to work as a team.

The following website suggests practical ways to use digital images in teaching and learning , it gets you thinking!

Photographs, graphics and images come in many different shapes and sizes. Generally photograph files such as GIF files or JPG files are usually quite large and cannot be easily uploaded online. To upload pictures online it is important to reduce the size of the file, this will reduce the quality but it will still be useful for web use. To do this you can download a free program called Mobaphoto.
Mobaphoto is a portable tool box for digital photography, once downloaded and you have installed the program it is very easy to use. It gives the user four main tool options:  Batch photo resizer, Digital gallery creator, Batch photo editor and Batch picture renamer. The program also allows you to crop your images and correct red eye.
To resize your image select, Batch photo resizer, a display window will then appear allowing you to browse and select as many images as you select to resize, there is also a small viewing photo window, now click resize. You will be prompted to save the resized pictures and now they are ready to use and upload online. The upload time to load your pictures online will also be much shorter as the file is much smaller therefore saving time.

I have resized and included a few images below from a trip to Australia Zoo on the Sunshine Coast Queensland. In the classroom context these photographs could be used to: begin discussions about the animals in the pictures and asses students current knowledge, the educator can provide students with an extension task or project to select an animal in a photograph and submit a research project, begin a theme in the classroom, create further lesson plans on the selected animals, discuss where they come from, where they are found, extend on geography, extend to other animals e.g. African animals and begin another unit of work.

                                                 Images taken from Australia Zoo Queensland


JISC Digital Media. (2010). Practical ways to use digital images in teaching and learning. Retrieved November 28, 2010, from

Mobaphoto, (2008). The portable toolbox for digital photography. Retrieved November 28, 2010, from

Central Queensland University (CQU). (2010). FAHE11001 – Images/Mobaphoto: Study Guide. Rockhampton. QLD, Australia: Author.

Friday, November 26, 2010

PowerPoint - In the Classroom

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presenation program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office Suite, and runs on Microsoft Windows operating system.
The program allows the user to create their own PowerPoint slide show based on a topic of their choice. The program has many design functions and tools, you can choose a background and layout, add text, pictures, animation, sounds etc. Once you have the content of your slides you can choose special effects for example, you can choose how your text appears on the slide such as flying in and also add a sound as it appears. It is operated by the mouse or space bar far which controls the slide show.

I have developed an example slide show about Elephants, it is quite basic but gives you an idea of what I am trying to explain and allows you to see how it works for yourself. To view the PowerPoint please click this link Elephant PowerPoint which will take you to my wiki where the slide show is attached.
PowerPoint is a wonderful tool for learning, it can add a new dimension to learning allowing teachers to explain concepts and accommodate different learning styles. Used properly PowerPoint can be a powerful tool for teaching in the classroom but used inappropriately, PowerPoint could confuse students and make learning difficult.
It can save a lot of time for teachers who would have used a blackboard or overhead projector instead. The program is quite easy to use and encourages those who would not normally use a visual aid or give a presentation to make a presentation.
The benefit of PowerPoint is always being discussed, its use in the classroom has influenced investigations of PowerPoint’s effects on student performance in comparison to overhead projectors, traditional lectures, and online lectures. It is a useful introductory tool for lecturers/classes but at this stage there are no results to prove or disprove that PowerPoint is more effective for learner as opposed to traditional presentation methods. I think that used correctly it can make learning more interesting to students, using a presentation may encourage them to want to learn about specific topics instead of using pen to paper or chalk to blackboard.
A slide show developed appropriately with the correct content and design, using PowerPoint in the classroom can be another useful tool for presenting information to students. It introduces the program to students who may not know about it or how to use it, it provides another form of presenting information to students other than using a blackboard, introduces and teaches learners about technology, it accommodates all learners’ needs and develops language and spelling skills. It can also be fun to watch and make, the program not only motivates students but can motivate educators as well. Some other advantages of using PowerPoint in the classroom is that if a student is away the teacher is able to print out the slide show or make a copy and provide it to the student. Also allows you to reflect on your lesson and make any additions or changes.

Because students today are so technologically advanced presentations developed with the use of videos, music and pictures attains student’s attention and increases student involvement.
Presentations made poorly have been given the term PowerPoint hell. If used continuously PowerPoint can bore students and diminish its effectiveness. A negative for educators is that a successful presentation can take several hours to create, teachers in a school environment do not always have this much time on their hands.
Teachers do not need a book on how to use PowerPoint the program comes with a complete tutorial. There are also a number of websites that provide extensive information, during my research I found this website  to be useful it has a list of positive and negatives. Another website I found useful was  targeted to teachers on how to use PowerPoint and its use in the classroom. I also found a website that allows you to downlaod free background layouts and a site called slide share this is a free website that allows the user to create and share presentations.

Wikipedia.(2010). Power Point. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from
teAchnology.(2010). Whats all the hype?. Retrieved November 18, 2010, from
eHow. (2010). What are the benefits of using Power Point and slide presentations in the classroon. Retrieved November 18, 2010, from