Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A podcast is an audio file, usually a serious of digital media files. Podcasts can be released by episode for example, A very popular radio show program by Hamish and Andy is recorded and added as a podcast online, the user can access and download the content through iTunes and store the podcasts on their computer to listen to at any time. A handy tool for podcasting is the listener can also subscribe to a podcast, through iTunes and each new episode that is uploaded will automatically download to the listener's computer, iPod or MP3 player ready for use, this saving time and giving convenience to the listener.

There are an increasing number of educational podcasts available  online that are suitable for students, educators can find these on iTunes, use google to research podcasts and topic, ABC or CSIRO. There are many different podcasts available on iTunes, iTunes is free to download, easy to install and ready to use on your PC.

Podcasts are available ready-made online but it is very easy to create your own podcasts, creating a podcast allows students to share learning experiencesA website available that allows the user to create their very own podcasts for free is http://mypodcast.com/. Creating your own podcast is easy, record your content, publish the episode and it's ready to air.
Podcasts in the classroom can be created from material by students and teachers or existing audio files can be downloaded for classroom use. It provides students with a world-wide audience making learning meaningful and authentic.

As a teacher in the classroom you could use podcasts to provide revision or additional material for students to download and review in their own time.


Central Queensland University (CQU). (2010). FAHE11001 – Podcasts: Study Guide. Rockhampton. QLD, Australia: Author.

Wikipedia. (2010). Podcasts. Retrieved December 14,2010, from

The Department of Education. (2010). Podcasts in the classroom. Retrieved December 14, 2010, from

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