Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Watch this space!

Hi Everyone!

At the moment I am in the process of moving house (we all know how fun this is) and at this stage my internet has not yet been switched on at my new place which is causing much stress in regards to studying. I have been taking my computer into work and using the internet when I can but at the moment there will not be very much action on my blog but I have been writing it and saving to my computer.....So watch this space for updates and my blog will hopefully be uploaded soon!

Thank you,



  1. Hi Leah,
    My name is Bridie and I am from the Emerald Campus. I just wanted to introduce myself and wish you luck with moving houses!! I look forward to reading your blog,


  2. Hi Bridie,

    Thanks for the Introduction! Moving was very stressful but is complete. I am now jumping the next hurdle of getting my internet switched on which has been alot of trouble, but hopefully will be online soon.

