Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Managing E-Learning
Welcome to my blog!  

Brief Overview: I am a Central Queensland University Student studying a Bachelor of Learning Management via distance education, this semester I am studying a subject called Managing E-Learning.
To Begin I am going to give a brief overview of the course, Managing E-Learning.
The Central Queensland University Course profile for Managing E-Learning states that “This course explores the technological competencies required within a 21st Centaury connected society” In other words this subject cover’s Information Communications Technology (ICT), how and when it should be used, it’s appropriate use and purpose in the classroom for Early Childhood Educator’s.

What is ICT? An ICT is the name given to any digital device e.g. Computers. An Example of an Information Communications Technology is a BLOG on the internet. Wikipedia an online encyclopaedia states the definition of a blog is “A type of website or part of a website. Usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events or other material such as graphics or video”. In this case my blog will describe and reflect on my learning throughout this course each week, it will include activities, topics, discussions, links, graphics and much more.
Blogs are a useful tool for communicating, in this circumstance my blog will be used to communicate with fellow students also participating in this course and the course lecturer. Blogs also enable you to share content and idea’s, as well as comment on other blogs and follow selected bloggers.

How are Blogs useful in my teaching context? In my situation a blog would not be very useful, this is because I teach in a Child Care Centre with ages up to two years old. The blog may only be a useful tool for me as a journal or diary and to other bloggers following my page who may be able learn from the content.
Although using a Blog in a school setting with students who are capable of reading, writing, typing etc is a useful tool and can be very successful when used appropriately. For example, a teacher may use a blog to upload course content, review lessons, set tasks or begin discussions. Students are able to follow and comment on the blog. Giving Students the opportunity to explore technology, study at home, catch up on course content, communication tool etc.

If you would like to learn more about blogging explore Google’s Blogger or visit and read the article by Stephen Downes about educational blogging.


Central Queensland University (CQU). (2010). FAHE11001 – eLearning Design/Blogs. Rockhampton. QLD, Australia: Author.

Wikipedia. (2010). Blogs. Retrieved December 18, November 2010, from

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