Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week 1 – Mind Map

Below I have attached a mind map created on this website is a useful tool for creating concept or mind maps. It is easy to use, if you would like to create your own follow the link above and start creating, to save your map you can create a free account and save it to your computer, easy as that.
The map I have created below is an overview of the course managing E-Learning for Week 1. It begins from the Central Queensland University Moodle site, online learning tool for students and branches out to the course, how it links Students and Teachers, Week 1 content, Readings and Activities.
I found this tool quite useful in this case, instead of writing a list of information about the subject, the mind map allows the reader to see the bigger picture instead of trying to create a map about what is being discussed in their head. This tool enables the reader to see the picture and relate to the words giving a better understanding of the information the writer is trying to convey.
This is a type of learning, each person/student has a learning style which will be discussed in the next topic.

Reference - Mind Maps

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!
    Your blog is looking great and I like that way that your blog is so visual and has many pictures. Good Job!
    I really enjoyed reading the blog that you wrote on the mind map. I too found it a good way of looking at "the bigger picture" and a break down of the writers message. I also liked your actual map as well, very detailed and easy to understand!

    Thanks and warm regards,
